How to deal with smoke when CNC engraving machine cuts wood
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How to deal with smoke when CNC engraving machine cuts wood

Views: 500     Author: Superstar     Publish Time: 2022-09-08      Origin: Site

The engraving machine is a high-precision instrument, but some operators of the new CNC engraving machine do not have proper equipment operation skills and methods, and are prone to some production problems. For example, wood is easy to cut and paste, and if you don't pay attention to wood, it will smoke.

How to solve the problem of wood smoking when the engraving machine is cutting?


1. First of all, it is necessary to consider whether the wood chips generated during cutting are cleaned up in time; when designing the engraving path, the engraving tool paths are layered according to the tool diameter and depth, so that the wood chips can be easily discharged;

2. The wood engraving machine chooses a multi-blade spiral knife for cutting, and chooses a 6MM knife to achieve 3 to 4 knives, which can better chip removal; the knives use tungsten steel knives, which are wear-resistant and have good heat conduction;

3. When cutting, you can consider blowing the tool with compressed air to cool the knife, and also to remove chips;

wood machine

4. During engraving, the feed speed of the CNC engraving machine and the number of revolutions of the main shaft are not fixed, but the larger the diameter of the tool, the lower the requirement for the counter-rotation speed, the faster the travel, the higher the counter-rotation speed requirement, and the larger the cutting depth, the more Slow, but never high speed and low feed, it is easy to wear the tool.

The use of CNC cutting machines to cut wood and other materials is generally the selected CNC woodworking cutting machine, which is generally equipped with vacuuming equipment, so it is relatively better. Mastering some operating skills and usage methods will better give full play to the advantages of CNC engraving machines.