Macedonian customer Mr. Carpinteria buys Superstar CNC side hole machine
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Macedonian customer Mr. Carpinteria buys Superstar CNC side hole machine

Views: 500     Author: Superstar     Publish Time: 2022-10-27      Origin: Site

Thanks to Macedonian customer Mr. Carpinteria for purchasing CNC side hole machine.

Mr. Carpinteria saw us on our company website, was interested in our side hole machine, and initiated an inquiry.

cnc router

After learning that Mr. Carpinteria is a door panel furniture manufacturer, he has his own processing factory.

Mr. Carpinteria would like to know how much the machine will cost and how long it will take to ship to Macedonia. The sales manager asked the customer's destination port and told the customer that the delivery time to Macedonia is about 20--30 days. The customer said that he used it to punch holes in the interior door. I don't know what the cost is? The sales manager told the client that he could send him the CIF price and informed the client what the CIF price included. Mr. Carpinteria is very satisfied and thinks this side hole machine is very worth buying.


Mr. Carpinteria wanted to see more details of the machine, after further confirming the details of the machine with the customer, Mr. Carpinteria decided to sign a contract.

Mr. Carpinteria has currently received the wood hole machine and has been using it for a while, the woodworking side drilling machine is in excellent condition.