Process advantages of laser welding machine
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Process advantages of laser welding machine

Views: 0     Author: Superstar     Publish Time: 2024-04-30      Origin: Site

Compared with other welding machines, the advantage of metal laser welding machines is that they have a wide range of applications. They can be widely used in welding stainless steel, metals, alloys and other same materials, and can also weld different materials.

 So what are the process advantages of laser welding machines?


1. Fast welding speed, 2-3 times faster than traditional welding

2. Using a handheld welding head, similar to argon arc welding, the operation is flexible and simple, suitable for small batches and large batch orders that do not have high requirements for product consistency.

3. The weld is smooth and beautiful, no secondary processing is required, saving time and cost

4. The welding work piece has little thermal impact and does not deform.

5. The swing laser head can adjust the beam by 0.5-6mm, which makes up for the shortcomings of small laser welding spots, expands the tolerance range and weld width of processed parts, and obtains better weld formation.

In addition, it can be widely used in complex and irregular welding processes in cabinets, kitchens and bathrooms, stair elevators, shelves, ovens, stainless steel door and window guardrails, distribution boxes, stainless steel home furnishings and other industries. Superstar CNC machines support customization and have professional after-sales service personnel.

laser welder sample