What are the advantages of CNC cutting machine compared to panel saw?
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What are the advantages of CNC cutting machine compared to panel saw?

Views: 560     Author: Superstar     Publish Time: 2022-02-28      Origin: Site

What are the advantages of CNC cutting machine compared to panel saw?

1. Labor and time cost

The CNC cutting machine automatically loads and unloads materials, and needs to carry small workers. One person can operate several cutting machines. The cutting machine is fast, and the cutting speed can reach 80-100 pieces per day;

The traditional panel saw or electronic slicing saw requires 2 people to operate at the same time, and the panel saw cuts 60 boards per day;

2. Plate utilization

The CNC cutting machine uses a milling cutter to cut material, and the direction can be adjusted arbitrarily. With the optimized layout software developed, the optimized layout utilization rate of combined orders can reach about 96%;

Electronic sizing saws and panel saws use saw blades for slicing, and the utilization rate of the overall sheet is low, and the manual calculation and typesetting uses about 85%;

cnc milling machine

3. Tool cost

The milling cutter for the CNC cutting machine, the ordinary cutter is 12 yuan per piece, and the particleboard is not chipped for 1500 meters each time, about 30 pieces, and the cost of the cutter is about 0.4 yuan per board;

Saw blades for electronic sizing saws and panel saws, the cost of saw blades is about 1.5 yuan per board;

4. Other

The CNC cutting machine can cut special-shaped boards, and can engrave, punch, slot, and cut at one time. Automatic loading and unloading reduces labor intensity and has good work continuity;

Electronic cutting saws and panel saws can only have straight edges and cannot cut materials. The panel saws are pushed and stopped, and workers' time is spent on adjusting the ruler and moving the board.