When is the time for the replacement of the tool by the wood CNC machine?
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When is the time for the replacement of the tool by the wood CNC machine?

Views: 500     Author: Superstar     Publish Time: 2022-09-17      Origin: Site

As a production machinery and equipment, CNC engraving machine tools are its consumables, and the tools are gradually worn out during the engraving process. That requires us to replace the tool in time when the tool of the CNC engraving machine is worn out, but changing it too early will waste the tool and increase the cost.


So, when is the best time to replace the CNC engraving machine tool?

After the tool of CNC engraving machine is seriously worn, the cutting force can be increased to 3 times of normal. The cutting force has a great influence on the service life of the spindle electrode. The service life of the spindle motor and the force are inversely proportional to the third power.

So when is the best time to replace the wood CNC machine tool? We should change the tool around 2/3 of the tool life limit. For example, the tool is severely worn in 60 minutes. In the next machining, you should start changing the tool at 40 minutes, and develop the habit of changing the tool regularly. This not only ensures the machining quality but also increases the service life of the spindle.

woodworking cutting machine

Therefore, in order to operate the CNC engraving machine perfectly, it is necessary to ponder it in daily use, carefully observe it, as mentioned above, observe carefully, and replace the woodworking cutting machine tool at the best time each time, then it will not only save costs , and increase production capacity.