The Difference between ATC CNC Cutting Machine Tool Magazine?
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The Difference between ATC CNC Cutting Machine Tool Magazine?

Views: 1000     Author: Superstar     Publish Time: 2023-11-02      Origin: Site

When many people buy cutting equipment, they don’t know how to choose between the straight knife magazine and the disc knife magazine of the wood cutting machine. So today I will introduce to you the differences between the two.

What is the difference between the linear tool magazine and the disc tool magazine of an ATC CNC cutting machine?

The straight-line tool changing furniture cutting machine usually has 12 straight-line tool magazines under the beam, with follow-up automatic tool changing, and uses a 9kw automatic tool changing spindle. Because it is a servo tool magazine, the tool changing speed is faster and more accurate, and it can realize door shapes, carving patterns, hollow patterns, cutting and grooving, and is suitable for processing diversified composite furniture products.

atc wood cnc

straight-line tool changing furniture cutting machine

Disk tool changing automatic cutting machines usually have the tool magazine placed on the side of the machine and automatically follow the tool changing. For some small and medium-sized furniture factories, the production capacity is about 40-60 boards per day.

wood cutting machine

Disk tool changing automatic cutting machine

In terms of price, the straight-line knife-changing cutting machine is higher than the disc-changing CNC cutting machine. As for which of these two machines is better and how to choose these two devices, it mainly depends on the positioning of the manufacturer and the choice based on your actual situation. Whether you want to choose to make a transition first or get it right in one step. However, since you choose a CNC cabinet cutting machine, try to choose one with high configuration, high precision and stability to maximize the value of the equipment.